Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ahhh life....isn't it ironic?

"Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you, yeah, life has a funny, funny, way of helping you out...." Ironic-Alanis Morissette.

Isn't that true! This week has been weird. Definitely. Just weird. Full circle I'd might say. But, better. (Those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, Just, leave it at that)

So, I was reading my posts and I really am enjoying this whole writing thing. I mean I always used to write, it just took up too much space, and well, my handwriting isn't the greatest and there is no spellcheck. So,with this avenue, I might, just might, actually, sound smarter than I really am. (or not) I am amazed at how centered I am now. (whoa, she thinks she's centered?)

Okay, Okay, well jury is out on that statement. But, I am beginning to have clarity. (well, at least today) Wow, this self loathing, I need to work on that, I have been accused of being negative. We won't go there.

But, I really do believe, now(got that? believe now), the things you go through in life, do make you a stronger, hopefully better person. Life has a funny way of showing you something, that well, in the end it teaches you a lesson and what ever that lesson is or was.

Lessons learned, I might say. But, more importantly, all is not lost in the end. You can re-build and make up for the mistakes sometimes. I think God gives you that opportunity, and well, by gosh, I took it today. Dammit! You live. You learn. (okay, enough with the true though)

People at least in my life, some people, have the ability to be my mirror. To reflect back to me well, the truth and what I am so desperately, trying to avoid or make up the excuse to get out of. There are a few people that are able to see right through me and say that's bullshit! tell me the truth....and to those few thanks!

Because, you have grow and sometimes, it's painful and sometimes, it's easy but, you grow and try to be the well rounded person, everyone thinks you are. (hopefully, we can lie to ourselves)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Change happens....

Change:Definition: to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.

That simple word has the ability to scare and excite people. Change. I have encountered a lot of it lately. Some good, some bad, some that makes you realize who are the real people in your life and who well, aren't. It has been an emotional roller coaster, all these emotions, sad, happy, relieved, awkward, indifferent....etc.... Change....lot's of that going on.

We, are still living with my parents at the moment. Big, Huge, insurance claim on our house, lot's of flooding etc...With this roller coaster, my family has gone or is going through, explains why, I have not blogged in a while. My parents on the other hand, probably wish I would stay forever. I think it's my cooking. My dad made the comment the other night, he is gaining weight since I have been there.

I have started my new job, well, back and forth really. It's funny how people can treat you so badly and think that you are incompetent and when they are left with nothing they realize how vital you were. Hmmmm....anyway, I gave me resignation a week before Christmas and this is the first week, that well, I am not between positions. That, in it self, should tell you something.

Enough about that, my new position is quite interesting. I think, I am going to enjoy it, better management, better people, good things. Hopefully. 2009 sucked and I think I am well, determine 2010 is going to be a lot better. Not started out that way but, I am determined.

So, haven't done my taxes yet, procrastination. As usual and then financial aide, need to do that as well. Hopefully this week, well, I need to this week.

Anyway, aside from all that, Valentine's day well, un-eventful. I have noticed the search for a sitter is never-ending and the lack of money is ever so great. So hopefully, we will find some time for us soon.

On, another note, finally went to church yesterday, God, it seems like it has been forever. It was good. I miss it , I do, I know I have come a long way from where I was. But, every time, I go to Reflections church, I get such a good feeling.

Pastor Jeff, you've got it going on. We were greeted with a Hey! how are you doing?! I am so glad you are here! Like, you were coming home. Genuine. Not, Mike and Krystal haven't been here, I wonder if they are backsliding....blah blah blah.... (not even having anything , remotely occur to them, that we might have had a lot going on lately?)

So yeah, kudos to Reflections's finally the church we , were looking for, young, casual and real. I think, that is why we left to begin with....(church that is) we were tired of going through the motions. I think, we are all looking for something real and when you find it. What a relief. Anyway, we do need to start at least attending more, you can get so caught up with life, you loose sight of what it really important. We need to find our way again, just with balance this time....