Monday, August 30, 2010

Back from Vacation...

So, we are back from vacation. Back to the old grind so to speak. We took one of those “stay-cations”, seems like in this economy, everyone is taking those instead of going away. I was thankful for the break, needed it very much so. But, could very well take another week off; we did the stay at home thing, while venturing off on the week-end to the beach and over to Busch Gardens with the kids. I had a taste of what it would be like to be a stay at home mom for once. The shear joy of dropping ones kids off to school and picking them up while having the day to get stuff done that normally sits around the house not done because I NEVER, EVER have time for, was in fact, very refreshing.

There I was in line among the sea of SUV’s and Mini-vans. I felt like, I was in high school all over again. Awkward and not in “the club” amongst the stay at home mom click. I really feel that way even more so now, since I signed up for the PTA newsletter. Don’t get me wrong, very informative, but, ladies let’s get together and volunteer for this or that. Seems to me it’s another upper west side Ladies’ luncheon or my kids are in this something or another. I do care about my kids just really not into the whole Volvo driving soccer mom-ish thing. Where you are so engulfed with your kids you don’t have your own identity. Or, you try to live vicariously through them that you push them into everything you may or may not have failed at? Is that a bad thing to say? Anyway, it was nice for the time being to slow down and get to do the things with my kids that I clearly miss out on. I think it was nice for them to have me home as well. House was clean all the time dinner was cooked and ready we had a schedule down without rushing around in the morning because I was too exhausted to prepare the night before.

I am really thinking about this whole stay at home bit and going back to school thing. If only I could afford to do something about it. Being the planner that I am, with always a timeline on hand; I did manage to get a tad organized on the subject while, on my down time. We will see I imagine I cannot go on like this forever.

Busch Gardens was fun, Michael and I went on Thursday so we could get our roller coaster fix and then took the kids back again on Saturday. I think I am getting old or like my parents, which I was kind of bummed about. I can’t take roller coasters like I used to. I felt dizzy and sick which sucked ass! It could be because I was sick with a cold the first half of the vacation, I am just going to safely assume, in all outing denial that it was because of the cold and not because I am approaching a down hill turn into adulthood.

Busch Gardens with the kids was actually not too bad. Aside, from the mishap of not bringing their Birth Certificates, for the free passes (which I personally thought was ridiculous, who brings a certified birth certificate to a theme park?) It’s not like my son is growing a beard or anything. Disney is better at that sort of thing, if they are in a stroller, off you go. But, they were nice and let us in the park. Jaden my youngest could not get on a ride because of being the tiniest amount shorter than her twin sister.

Let me tell you about my girls, Madison looks like me but, Jaden is me. She argued with the park attendant saying that she and her sister are twins and that they are the same age…etc… She called the guy stupid and crazy and pointed out to him that he smashed her ponytail down while measuring her! I know she was upset but, I couldn’t stop laughing, clear as day, I tell you. We later got some cotton candy and she got over it. But, it was Hilarious! I have my work cut out for me, I can see that already…….

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