Friday, July 30, 2010


Got his little thing from a friend at work and thought it was funny…..true and funny….Thanks Tracie!

When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a BITCH. When I stand up for those I love, they call me a BITCH, when I speak my mind, think my own thoughts , or do things my own way, they call me a BITCH, when I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a BITCH. I means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won’t become anyone else’s idea of what they think I should be…….if that makes me a BITCH, so be it; I embrace the title and am proud to bear it!

I= In
T= Total
C= Control of
H= Herself

B= Beautiful
I= Intelligent
T= Talented
C= Charming
H= Hell of a Woman!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Long time, no blog...

Well, I have been exhausted lately, could be because I now work two jobs now. But, you know, it could be something else, not really. On my quest, to pay off the debt, I have accrued over the years, to get me on track to start school soon. I have to say, at the very least, I have worked my tail off, these last few months.

Hence, not having time to blog in quite a while. I am sure all four of you have just gone stir crazy not hearing about my exciting life [insert sarcasm].

But, let’s recap the events that have happened……hmmmmmm…. I am crazier, which is a given, but, I am on some happy pills now, so, hopefully, I am less neurotic (well, prob. not.) I have managed to re-open my financial aide application; I have not finished and hopefully finish it, this time around.

Aside, from the usual drama that goes on at work from time to time, it is about that time, I am back to hello? Krystal? What are you doing? Get motivated, you’re better than this! I have noticed it comes around about every three months, which is weird in itself, but, whatever. I am sure there are some diagnoses, or weird thing about the planets aligned, full moon, BS that explains, the end of times, sort of thing or something.

I have been doing a lot of soul searching, getting things in order financially (aside from working to death) and trying to get on a plan for school. Michael and I have gotten better for the most part, we are very much a team now, I think my crazy pills are working…lol (actually they help me sleep, which is a huge plus, turning off the mind of an insomniac, is no easy task) So, better night sleep, better Krystal in the morning.

I am also learning to let some things go in my life. Not, be such a perfectionist, which, actually, I have more peace about these days, or I just don’t care anymore. Especially, people that are shitty, not fully conquered letting those kinds of people go, but, I am working on it. Like, the saying goes…there is a reason why they don’t make it in your future…yeah, learning that one, again the hard way but, learning, if it doesn’t kill you…right?