Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 2, of this crazy journey, I am on....

So, let see, so far so good. I am keeping consistent with my blogging. (even though it is only day 2) Anyway, that is a good thing. Even though, I am probably the only one who may be reading this besides, My husband. Who, is the first to "follow" me (so supportive, I know, poor thing, me?, come on) I am going to continue, on my quest.

Last night, as I muddled though yet another long day at work and made my way to the grocery store (which I ended up spending an hour and a half at). The thing is about small towns, you just run into everyone and their mother. A lady that I use to work with, my Model Management guy (which has done nothing for me in the last year and a half, but rip me off for some pictures) and a few friends, I went to high school with. All, making of course "small talk" with the usual "So how are things with you?" When really it's just what someone says to try and act like they are interested before spilling there achievements, in the whole "see I am better than you, and not a shit head" so to speak.

It's like when you go and see your family for the holidays and all you hear is, "Well, my child(your cousin) is top in her class, is almost graduating from her master's degree, and has a huge house and everything is just perfect blah blah.....When in reality they are trying to prove that they weren't such a bad parent and from the outside all is well, but, really the child or (cousin) wants to slit her wrists all the time because of the constant pressure, from her parents to keep up with the Jones' and be the perfect role model for everyone. When, she probably has some freaky fetish that no one knows about. Like a catholic school girl her first day at a Public out their crazy!

So, here I am, after a mind numbing, soul-sucking dead end job from hell (yeah, I stole that from Julie Powell's book)(The soul- sucking part) Which by the end of this month, will be transferred, back to my old building, after they rob me of my dignity. At, the grocery store about to get the ingredients for a Ricotta, Honey w/ orange peel, cheesecake, I need to make for a girl at work that is leaving our department. (Lucky bastard)

So, I come home to chaos and in making this cheesecake, all is right with the world. There is something, that has to be said about making something so delicious, after a long day, that just makes everything alright. (At least for that moment) I don't think it is a healthy habit (emotional eating that is) and if it weren't for my metabolism, I should be 300 lbs by now, the way I eat. What can I say, I just love food and love to eat it.

So, back to the goal. College. Major: Teaching. Minor: Art/Culinary Arts. I did manage to get a list of scholarships to apply for from and start plowing away at applying. How, many sappy stories/essays they must go through, to award a scholarship every year. The point is, my life sucks and I need more money. So, I need to get a degree in something, to even be considered for a job that makes more money. End of crappy, essay. (I don't think, I should say that)

Then, comes financial aid yay! Currently, waiting on my W2 to come in so I can file my taxes, to fill out my financial aid, to probably be rejected, because I am middle class America. $11.00 over the poverty level but $11.00 too much to receive any assistance. So, if I take my white ass and not work, I could sit on that ass, pop out a few more kids and really drain the government. Then I would have it made, because what's our motto? "Work harder people on well-fare depend on you." (Not, stereotyping everyone, I have come close to being there) But, for all those lazy people, who are well qualified to work and can, but, don't give a shit and think it's going to be handed to you....get a job!(probably going to get hate mail for that) trolls....

Okay, enough of my ranting on issues that well, I cannot change. So, the cheese cake was a hit! So good, had (clearing my throat) 3 pieces....what? it was good! My lunch hour is nearly over so, I will leave you with this:

"But, Julia Child isn't about that. Julia Child wants you- that's right you, the one living in the tract house in sprawling suburbia with a dead-end middle management job and nothing but a stop and shop for miles around- to know how to make good pastry, and also how to make those canned green beans taste all right. She wants you to remember that you are human, and as such are entitled to that most basic of human rights, the right to eat well and enjoy life.
And that blows heirloom tomatoes and first- press Umbrain olive oil out of the fucking water." Julie & Julia- Julie Powell

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